ScriptBundlingOptions class

namespace: Serenity.Web   assemblySerenity.Net.Web

Options for script bundling

public class ScriptBundlingOptions : IOptions<ScriptBundlingOptions>

Public Members

name description
ScriptBundlingOptions() Creates a new instance of the class
Bundles { get; } Gets / sets the list of bundles and their contents
Enabled { get; set; } Gets / sets if script bundling is enabled
Minimize { get; set; } Gets / sets the minimization flag. When true, script files are minified and their minified versions are used in bundles etc.
NoMinimize { get; set; } A list of relative paths to not minify
Replacements { get; } Replacement dictionary for placeholders in bundle contents, like etc.
UseMinJS { get; set; } Should a ".min.js" file that exists in file system be used if available, instead of minifying the file in memory.
Value { get; } Returns this object.
const SectionKey Default section key for this option class

See Also