BaseUploadEditorAttribute class

namespace: Serenity.ComponentModel   assemblySerenity.Net.Core

Sets editor type as "ImageUpload", which only allows image files. Make sure you use this attribute in Row.cs, not Form.cs as the image upload behavior only works if it is in row, otherwise your files will stay in temporary directory.

public abstract class BaseUploadEditorAttribute : CustomEditorAttribute, IUploadEditor, 
    IUploadFileConstraints, IUploadFileOptions, IUploadImageContrains, IUploadImageOptions

Public Members

name description
AllowedExtensions { get; set; }
AllowNonImage { get; set; }
CopyToHistory { get; set; }
DisableDefaultBehavior { get; set; }
DisplayFileName { get; set; }
FilenameFormat { get; set; }
IgnoreEmptyImage { get; set; }
IgnoreExtensionMismatch { get; set; }
IgnoreInvalidImage { get; set; }
ImageExtensions { get; set; }
abstract IsMultiple { get; }
JsonEncodeValue { get; set; }
MaxHeight { get; set; }
MaxSize { get; set; }
MaxWidth { get; set; }
MinHeight { get; set; }
MinSize { get; set; }
MinWidth { get; set; }
OriginalNameProperty { get; set; }
ScaleBackColor { get; set; }
ScaleHeight { get; set; }
ScaleMode { get; set; }
ScaleQuality { get; set; }
ScaleSmaller { get; set; }
ScaleWidth { get; set; }
ThumbBackColor { get; set; }
ThumbHeight { get; set; }
ThumbMode { get; set; }
ThumbQuality { get; set; }
ThumbSizes { get; set; }
ThumbWidth { get; set; }
UploadIntent { get; set; }

Protected Members

name description
BaseUploadEditorAttribute(…) Initializes a new instance of the ImageUploadEditorAttribute class.

See Also