IFileSystem interface

namespace: Serenity   assemblySerenity.Net.Core

Base file system for abstracting physical disk access

public interface IFileSystem


name description
CreateDirectory(…) Creates a directory
CreateFile(…) Creates a file for writing or optionally overwrites if exists
DeleteDirectory(…) Deletes the directory at path
DeleteFile(…) Deletes the file at path
DirectoryExists(…) Checks if directory exists
FileExists(…) Checks if file exists
GetDirectories(…) Gets directories at specified path
GetFiles(…) Gets files at specified path
GetFileSize(…) Gets file size for specified path
GetFullPath(…) Returns the absolute path for the specified path string.
GetRelativePath(…) Returns the absolute path for the specified path string.
OpenRead(…) Opens the file at path for reading
ReadAllBytes(…) Reads all bytes from a file
ReadAllText(…) Reads all text from a file
WriteAllBytes(…) Writes all bytes to a file
WriteAllText(…) Writes content to a file

See Also