IRow interface

namespace: Serenity.Data   assemblySerenity.Net.Entity

Row interface

public interface IRow : IEntityWithJoins


name description
Fields { get; } Gets the fields.
IdField { get; } Gets the identifier field.
IgnoreConstraints { get; set; } Gets or sets a value indicating whether [ignore constraints].
IsAnyFieldAssigned { get; } Gets a value indicating whether this row instance has any field assigned.
Item { get; set; } Gets or sets a field value with specified name
NameField { get; } Gets the name field.
TrackAssignments { get; set; } Gets or sets a value indicating whether to track assignments to field values.
TrackWithChecks { get; set; } Gets or sets a value indicating whether track assignments to field values, and raise an exception if an unassigned field is tried to read.
ClearAssignment(…) Clears the assignment.
CloneRow() Clones the row.
CreateNew() Creates a new instance of the row type.
FieldAssignedValue(…) Called when field is assigned a value.
GetDictionaryData(…) Gets the dictionary data.
GetDictionaryDataKeys() Gets the dictionary data keys.
GetIndexedData(…) Gets the indexed data.
IsAssigned(…) Determines whether the specified field is assigned.
SetDictionaryData(…) Sets the dictionary data.
SetIndexedData(…) Sets the indexed data.

See Also