Serenity 8.7.9 Release Notes

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Serenity 8.6.0 Release Notes

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Serenity 8.2.1 Release Notes

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Serenity 8.1.5 Release Notes

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Serenity 8.0.7 Release Notes

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Serenity 6.9.6 Release Notes

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Serenity 8.0.0 Release Notes

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Serenity 6.9.3 Release Notes

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Serenity 6.8.0 Release Notes

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Serenity 6.6.0 Release Notes

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Serenity 6.5.2 Release Notes

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Serenity 6.4.3 Release Notes

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Serenity 6.4.2 Release Notes

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Serenity 6.3.0 Release Notes

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Serenity 6.2.6 Release Notes

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Switching to ES Modules

We are in the progress of switching from namespaces to ES modules in TypeScript

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Serenity 6.2.1 - 6.2.4 Release Notes

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Serenity 6.2.0 Release Notes

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Source Generators in StartSharp 6.1

Source Generators, which provides an opportunity to generate code during compilation were introduced in .NET 5, and now we are making use of them via Serenity.Pro.Coder package.

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Serenity 6.1.9 Release Notes

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Serenity 6.1.8 Release Notes

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Migrating to Serenity.NET 5

Serenity 5 is a major update to Serenity Framework. It only supports .NET 5 and ASP.NET Core 5. For those who missed the news, .NET 5 is actually .NET Core 5, and is simply called .NET now. They skipped version 4 to avoid confusion with legacy .NET Framework 4.

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Migrating to ASP.NET Core

Serenity has templates for ASP.NET MVC and ASP.NET Core. Even though we kept updating both of them regularly so far, ASP.NET MVC is an obsolete technology which didn't get any new versions for quite a long time.

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Multi Column Layouts without CSS

A philosopher said "change is the only constant in life". By this logic, Serenity should not be a constant, thus it changes a lot. If in doubt, just take a peek at our change log ( Even though we write about them in that file, so many cool new features goes unnoticed, or might not be fully understood from the short description in the log. One of the features that we'd like to talk about is the one we added to simplify multi column layouts, which is modelled after Bootstrap grid system / column classes.

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Hello to React and Email Client (IMAP) Sample in StartSharp

As you possibly already know, Serenity is a declarative framework that is primarily designed for data-heavy business applications, and administrative interfaces of web sites where you have lots of forms and lists. It has a unique widget system which works pretty well for backend but it didn't feel as intuitive for frontend apps. After considering many alternatives like Vue, Angular, and countless other frontend libraries around, our answer is going to be React.

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6 New Themes for StartSharp

We think the AdminLTE theme we use in Serene is a beatiful one. But as any hit song you loved last year, gets a bit boring by time, themes also start to look old. So, we have designed 6 new themes for StartSharp.

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Panel Mode Dialogs

Serenity dialogs are based on jQuery UI and offers a familiar desktop like experience. They automatically degrade into a full page UI in mobile devices. There might be cases where you'd desire such full page UI (e.g. panels) also in a desktop environment. We had a panel decorator and a related sample to allow this, but it required some manual work.

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Upload File Name Formats

Serenity has a unique upload system that is pretty flexible. Although it works as is, without requiring much configuration, you might want to customize it sometimes. One of the areas you might want to learn about is generated file names on disk and the format specifiers that controls them. A new feature added in recent versions is ability to use original file name on disk.

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Serene Install

Serene has some prerequisites that you should install for it to work properly. Here we document how you should check if you have correct versions of tools required, and install them for a healthier Serene environment.

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Sergen for .NET Core - Part 2

We continue where we left on Part 1 about determining primary keys, identity fields, foreign keys and other table column information on a bunch of databases.

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Sergen for .NET Core - Part 1

Sergen for .NET Core works as a console application, instead of a WPF based GUI as it has to support platforms like OSX / Linux in addition to Windows. It has only support for Sql Server yet, but we are working on other database types.

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Simplified Data Localization in Serenity 2.8.10

Serenity supports data localization in addition to local text system. We have two samples in Serene for this feature. Northwind Category and Product entities can be localized through their dialogs. Enabling this feature used to require several manual steps. Now we drastically reduced number of these steps using a service behavior.

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Welcome to ASP.NET Core / .NET Core

Finally! We now have a working copy of Serene .NET Core / ASP.NET Core version, which runs on OSX, Linux and Windows. Even though it is still a beta, and pending some changes, we are hoping to have a stable release before 3.0. Here is how you can try it out.

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Database Specific Expressions

Serene runs on a variety of databases, including MS Sql, Firebird, Postgres, MySql, Oracle and now Sqlite as we introduced in yesterdays article. We talk about the challange we had to handle as Sqlite didn't support CONCAT, and how we resolved it by a new Serenity feature.

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Sqlite Support in Serene

Serene had support for SqlServer, MySql, Postgres and Oracle for some time. Now it is time to welcome Sqlite.

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Serenity 2.8.0 Upgrade Guide

2.8.0 is an important step towards .NET Core support. This is the first version that ships NuGet packages with NetStandard1.6 targeted assemblies. Asp.Net Core port for Serene is currently a work in progress, but we are not there yet. So, this is an upgrade guide for existing users with ASP.NET MVC/.NET Framework 4.5.

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Serene Running on a Mac

We are currently working on a separate branch (dotnetcore) to bring Serenity and Serene to Asp.Net Core, which will make it truly cross platform. Even though it's still in very early stages, here is some quick demo.

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Debugging Serenity Libraries

Serenity comes with its NuGet packages, containing DLLs and PDBs. The latter is valuable for debugging purposes. Even though most users are not aware of it, debugging into code in Serenity libraries has long been possible.

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Don't Repeat Your Permissions (2.7.0)

DRY is one of software design principles that we try to closely follow. Among the limited places where we violate this principle was Service Endpoints and Listing Pages, where we repeat permissions and connection keys that are already available at row level. Starting with 2.7.0 that is going to change.

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New Feature Selection Wizard (2.6.8)

Serene comes with some sample modules like Northwind, Meeting, Organization etc. After training and development phase, you should remove them manually with some help from our how-to on removing Northwind and Samples. Doing this for every new project might feel cumbersome. Starting with 2.6.8, Serene asks you which modules to include, so its much simpler.

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How Do We Deploy Serene Demo?

You may already know that we don't like hiding good things from you, thus we release often. If we didn't make use of some sort of auto deployment, it would be a real pain to publish Serenity NuGet packages, update Serene in VSGallery, and keep the live demo at up to date. Let's see how our basic Powershell script, combined with a GitHub webhook does the last one.

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Welcome to Serenity Blog

It was clear for some time that needed its own blog where i could share some news, tips and so on with the community. After some evaluation and planning, I decided to develop a quick and dirty one for myself. Here is the story and step by step how-to.

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