ISaveBehavior interface

namespace: Serenity.Services   assemblySerenity.Net.Services

A save behavior that can be used as a mixin within a SaveRequestHandler lifecycle

public interface ISaveBehavior


name description
OnAfterSave(…) Called after row is inserted to / updated in database
OnAudit(…) Called after row is inserted to / updated and auditing should be performed
OnBeforeSave(…) Called just before row is inserted to / updated in database
OnPrepareQuery(…) Called when query to load old entity is built
OnReturn(…) Called before handler is returning the result
OnSetInternalFields(…) Called when internal fields in row is being set
OnValidateRequest(…) Called when save request is validated


A save behavior instance is always cached and reused across requests, so make sure you don't store anything in private variables, and its operation is thread-safe. If you need to pass some state between events, use handler's StateBag.

See Also