
Serene allows you to change the active language from the top right language dropdown:

Language Dropdown

This dropdown is located on the left sidebar band in StartSharp.

Try changing the active language to German.

Serene Customers German

Machine translation is used to generate these texts, so sorry for any translation mistakes...

When you changed the language, the page is reloaded to get the set of translated texts in the target language.

Serene also added a cookie named LanguagePreference with content "de" to your browser, so the next time you visit the site, it will remember your last selection and start with German.

When you launched Serene first time, you might have seen the site in English, but it is also possible that it started in Spanish, Turkish, or Russian if you have an operating system or browser using that language as the default.

If you don't want to let users to the change UI language, you should remove the language selection dropdown.

You may add more languages to the language selection dropdown by using the Languages page under the Administration menu.

Translating UI Texts

Serene includes the ability to translate its text resources directly from the web application.

Click Administration then the Translations link in the navigation:

Type navigation into the top left search box to see the list of texts related to the navigation menu. Choose English as the source language and German as the target language.

Type Welcome Page into line with Navigation.Dashboard local text key:

Translating Dashboard to Welcome

Click Save Changes.

When you switch to the German language, the Dashboard menu item will be changed to Welcome Page instead of Dashboard:

Welcome Page Navigation Item

When you saved changes, Serene created a user.texts.de.json file in the folder App_Data/texts with content like the below:

    "Navigation.Dashboard": "Welcome Page"

There are also other similar JSON files in the wwwroot/Scripts/site/texts folder, with default translations for the Serene interface:

  • site.texts.de.json
  • site.texts.invariant.json
  • site.texts.tr.json

It is recommended to transfer your translations from user.texts.xx.json files to site.texts.xx.json files before publishing. You can also keep them under version control this way, if ``App_Data` folder is ignored.