Serenity Core Library
This is the package containing core TypeScript classes and functions used in Serenity applications.
It should be installed by default in your projects created from Serene
or StartSharp
"dependencies": {
// ...
"@serenity-is/corelib": "latest"
The version number for this package should be equal or as close as possible to Serenity NuGet package versions in your project file.
When using classic namespaces instead of the ESM modules, the types and functions in this module are directly available from the global
namespaces. e.g.Serenity.EntityGrid
- AggregateFormatting
- Aggregators
- Authorization
- Decorators
- DialogExtensions
- DialogTexts
- DialogTypeRegistry
- EditorTypeRegistry
- EditorUtils
- Enum
- EnumTypeRegistry
- ErrorHandling
- FilteringTypeRegistry
- FilterOperators
- FormatterTypeRegistry
- GridSelectAllButtonHelper
- GridUtils
- LayoutTimer
- LazyLoadHelper
- LT
- PropertyItemSlickConverter
- ReflectionOptionsSetter
- ReflectionUtils
- Router
- ScriptData
- SlickFormatting
- SlickHelper
- SlickTreeHelper
- SubDialogHelper
- TabsExtensions
- UploadHelper
- ValidationHelper
- CaptureOperationType
- ColumnSelection
- CriteriaOperator
- MemberType
- PropertyGridMode
- RetrieveColumnSelection
- SummaryType
- ArgumentNullException
- AutoNumeric
- BaseDialog
- BaseEditorFiltering
- BaseFiltering
- BasePanel
- BooleanEditor
- BooleanFiltering
- BooleanFormatter
- CascadedWidgetLink
- CategoryAttribute
- CheckboxFormatter
- CheckLookupEditor
- CheckTreeEditor
- CloseButtonAttribute
- ColumnPickerDialog
- ColumnsBase
- ColumnsKeyAttribute
- Combobox
- ComboboxEditor
- CriteriaBuilder
- CssClassAttribute
- DataGrid
- DateEditor
- DateFiltering
- DateFormatter
- DateTimeEditor
- DateTimeFiltering
- DateTimeFormatter
- DateYearEditor
- DecimalEditor
- DecimalFiltering
- DefaultValueAttribute
- Dialog
- DialogTypeAttribute
- DisplayNameAttribute
- EditorAttribute
- EditorFiltering
- EditorOptionAttribute
- EditorTypeAttribute
- EditorTypeAttributeBase
- EditorWidget
- ElementAttribute
- EmailAddressEditor
- EmailEditor
- EntityDialog
- EntityGrid
- EntityLocalizer
- EntityTypeAttribute
- EnumEditor
- EnumFiltering
- EnumFormatter
- EnumKeyAttribute
- Exception
- FileDownloadFormatter
- FileUploadEditor
- FilterableAttribute
- FilterDialog
- FilterDisplayBar
- FilterPanel
- FilterStore
- FilterWidgetBase
- FlexifyAttribute
- FormKeyAttribute
- GeneratedCodeAttribute
- GridRadioSelectionMixin
- GridRowSelectionMixin
- HiddenAttribute
- HintAttribute
- HtmlContentEditor
- HtmlNoteContentEditor
- HtmlReportContentEditor
- IBooleanValue
- IDialog
- IDoubleValue
- IdPropertyAttribute
- IEditDialog
- IFiltering
- IGetEditValue
- IInitializeColumn
- ImageUploadEditor
- InsertableAttribute
- IntegerEditor
- IntegerFiltering
- InvalidCastException
- IQuickFiltering
- IReadOnly
- IsActivePropertyAttribute
- ISetEditValue
- ISlickFormatter
- IStringValue
- ItemNameAttribute
- IValidateRequired
- LocalTextPrefixAttribute
- Lookup
- LookupEditor
- LookupEditorBase
- LookupFiltering
- MaskedEditor
- MaximizableAttribute
- MaxLengthAttribute
- MinuteFormatter
- MultipleFileUploadEditor
- MultipleImageUploadEditor
- NamePropertyAttribute
- NumberFormatter
- OneWayAttribute
- OptionAttribute
- OptionsTypeAttribute
- PanelAttribute
- PasswordEditor
- PlaceholderAttribute
- PrefixedContext
- PropertyDialog
- PropertyGrid
- PropertyPanel
- QuickFilterBar
- QuickSearchInput
- RadioButtonEditor
- ReadOnlyAttribute
- Recaptcha
- RemoteView
- RequiredAttribute
- ResizableAttribute
- ResponsiveAttribute
- Select2
- SelectEditor
- ServiceAttribute
- ServiceLookupEditor
- ServiceLookupEditorBase
- ServiceLookupFiltering
- SlickPager
- StaticPanelAttribute
- StringEditor
- StringFiltering
- TextAreaEditor
- TimeEditor
- TimeEditorBase
- TimeSpanEditor
- Toastr
- Toolbar
- Tooltip
- TreeGridMixin
- UpdatableAttribute
- Uploader
- URLEditor
- UrlFormatter
- Validator
- Widget
- AutoNumericOptions
- CheckLookupEditorOptions
- CheckTreeItem
- CKEditorConfig
- ComboboxCommonOptions
- ComboboxEditorOptions
- ComboboxFilterOptions
- ComboboxInplaceAddOptions
- ComboboxItem
- ComboboxOptions
- ComboboxSearchQuery
- ComboboxSearchResult
- ConfirmDialogOptions
- CreateWidgetParams
- CriteriaWithText
- DataChangeInfo
- DateEditorOptions
- DateFormat
- DateTimeEditorOptions
- DateYearEditorOptions
- DebouncedFunction
- DecimalEditorOptions
- DeleteRequest
- DeleteResponse
- DialogButton
- DialogOptions
- EmailEditorOptions
- EntityLocalizerOptions
- EnumEditorOptions
- FileUploadConstraints
- FileUploadEditorOptions
- FilterFieldSelectOptions
- FilterLine
- FilterOperator
- Fluent
- Formatter
- GridPersistanceFlags
- GridRadioSelectionMixinOptions
- GridRowSelectionMixinOptions
- GroupInfo
- HandleRouteEvent
- HtmlContentEditorOptions
- IDataGrid
- IFrameDialogOptions
- ImageUploadEditorOptions
- IntegerEditorOptions
- IRowDefinition
- ListRequest
- ListResponse
- Locale
- LookupEditorOptions
- LookupOptions
- MaskedEditorOptions
- MessageDialogOptions
- MultipleFileUploadEditorOptions
- NumberFormat
- PagerOptions
- PagingInfo
- PagingOptions
- PersistedGridColumn
- PersistedGridSettings
- PostToServiceOptions
- PostToUrlOptions
- PropertyGridOptions
- PropertyItem
- PropertyItemsData
- QuickFilter
- QuickFilterArgs
- QuickFilterBarOptions
- QuickSearchField
- QuickSearchInputOptions
- RadioButtonEditorOptions
- RecaptchaOptions
- RemoteViewOptions
- RequestErrorInfo
- RetrieveRequest
- RetrieveResponse
- SaveRequest
- SaveResponse
- Select2AjaxOptions
- Select2Item
- Select2Options
- Select2QueryOptions
- Select2Result
- SelectEditorOptions
- ServiceError
- ServiceLookupEditorOptions
- ServiceOptions
- ServiceRequest
- ServiceResponse
- SettingStorage
- SummaryOptions
- TextAreaEditorOptions
- TimeEditorBaseOptions
- TimeEditorOptions
- TimeSpanEditorOptions
- ToolbarOptions
- ToolButton
- ToolButtonProps
- TooltipOptions
- TransformInclude
- TreeGridMixinOptions
- TypeMember
- UndeleteRequest
- UndeleteResponse
- UploadedFile
- UploaderBatch
- UploaderErrorData
- UploaderOptions
- UploaderRequest
- UploaderSuccessData
- UploadInputOptions
- UploadResponse
- UserDefinition
- ValidatableElement
- ValidationErrorItem
- ValidationErrorMap
- ValidationRulesMap
- ValidatorOptions
Type Aliases
- AnyIconClass
- CancellableViewCallback
- ClassTypeInfo
- ComboboxFormatResult
- ComboboxType
- Constructor
- DialogProviderType
- DialogType
- Dictionary
- EditorAddon
- EditorProps
- EditorType
- EditorTypeInfo
- fabIconKey
- faIconKey
- Format
- FormatterType
- FormatterTypeInfo
- GroupByElement
- GroupByResult
- Grouping
- IconClassName
- IdPrefixType
- InterfaceTypeInfo
- KnownIconClass
- LanguageList
- NotifyMap
- PropertyFieldElement
- RemoteViewAjaxCallback
- RemoteViewFilter
- RemoteViewProcessCallback
- SaveInitiator
- Select2Element
- Select2FormatResult
- SNoInfer
- StringLiteral
- TextColor
- ToastContainerOptions
- ToastrOptions
- TranslateTextsOptions
- TranslateTextsResult
- Type
- TypeInfo
- UtilityColor
- ValidateEventDelegate
- ValidationErrorList
- ValidationProvider
- ValidationRules
- ValidationValue
- WidgetProps
- Config
- Culture
- defaultNotifyOptions
- Invariant
- scriptDataHooks
- TemplatedDialog
- TemplatedPanel
- TemplatedWidget
- TranslationConfig
- typeInfoProperty
- addClass
- addCustomAttribute
- addEmptyOption
- addLocalText
- addOption
- addTypeMember
- addValidationRule
- alert
- alertDialog
- any
- appendToNode
- applyChangesToolButton
- associateWidget
- attrEncode
- bgColor
- blockUI
- blockUndo
- cancelDialogButton
- canLoadScriptData
- cast
- centerDialog
- classTypeInfo
- clearKeys
- clearOptions
- cloneToolButton
- coalesce
- confirm
- confirmDialog
- count
- Criteria
- dbText
- dbTryText
- deassociateWidget
- debounce
- deepClone
- delegateCombine
- delegateContains
- delegateRemove
- deleteToolButton
- editorTypeInfo
- editToolButton
- endsWith
- executeEverytimeWhenVisible
- executeOnceWhenVisible
- extend
- fabIcon
- faIcon
- fetchScriptData
- fieldsProxy
- findElementWithRelativeId
- first
- Fluent
- format
- formatDate
- formatDayHourAndMin
- formatISODateTimeUTC
- formatNumber
- formatterTypeInfo
- getActiveRequests
- getBaseType
- getColumns
- getColumnsAsync
- getColumnsData
- getColumnsDataAsync
- getColumnsScript
- getCookie
- getCustomAttribute
- getCustomAttributes
- getElementReadOnly
- getForm
- getFormAsync
- getFormData
- getFormDataAsync
- getFormScript
- getGlobalObject
- getInstanceType
- getjQuery
- getLookup
- getLookupAsync
- getMembers
- getNested
- getRemoteData
- getRemoteDataAsync
- getReturnUrl
- getScriptData
- getScriptDataHash
- getType
- getTypeFullName
- getTypeNameProp
- getTypeRegistry
- getTypes
- getTypeShortName
- getWidgetFrom
- getWidgetName
- gridPageInit
- GridPageInit
- groupBy
- handleScriptDataError
- hasBSModal
- hasCustomAttribute
- hasUIDialog
- htmlEncode
- iconClassName
- iframeDialog
- indexOf
- information
- informationDialog
- initFormType
- initFullHeightGridPage
- initializeTypes
- insert
- interfaceTypeInfo
- isArray
- isArrayLike
- isAssignableFrom
- isBS3
- isBS5Plus
- isEmptyOrNull
- isEnum
- isInstanceOfType
- isMobileView
- isPromiseLike
- isSameOrigin
- isTrimmedEmpty
- isValue
- jQueryPatch
- keyOf
- layoutFillHeight
- layoutFillHeightValue
- localeFormat
- localizationToolButton
- localText
- newBodyDiv
- noDialogButton
- notifyError
- notifyInfo
- notifySuccess
- notifyWarning
- okDialogButton
- omitUndefined
- outerHtml
- padLeft
- panelPageInit
- PanelPageInit
- parseCriteria
- parseDate
- parseDayHourAndMin
- parseDecimal
- parseHourAndMin
- parseInteger
- parseISODateTime
- parseQueryString
- peekScriptData
- positionToastContainer
- postToService
- postToUrl
- prefixedText
- PropertyCategories
- PropertyCategory
- PropertyCategoryTitle
- PropertyField
- PropertyFieldCaption
- PropertyFieldEditor
- PropertyFieldLineBreak
- PropertyTabItem
- PropertyTabList
- PropertyTabPane
- PropertyTabPanes
- PropertyTabs
- proxyTexts
- reactPatch
- registerClass
- registerEditor
- registerEnum
- registerFormatter
- registerInterface
- registerType
- reloadLookup
- reloadLookupAsync
- removeClass
- removeValidationRule
- replaceAll
- requestFinished
- requestStarting
- resolveServiceUrl
- resolveUrl
- round
- safeCast
- sanitizeUrl
- saveAndCloseToolButton
- serviceCall
- serviceRequest
- setElementReadOnly
- setEquality
- setRegisteredScripts
- setScriptData
- setTypeNameProp
- single
- splitDateString
- startsWith
- stringFormat
- stringFormatLocale
- stripDiacritics
- success
- successDialog
- text
- textColor
- today
- toggleClass
- toGrouping
- toId
- ToolbarButton
- toSingleLine
- triggerLayoutOnShow
- trim
- trimEnd
- trimStart
- trimToEmpty
- trimToNull
- trunc
- tryFirst
- tryGetText
- tryGetWidget
- turkishLocaleCompare
- turkishLocaleToLower
- turkishLocaleToUpper
- uiAndBSButtonNoConflict
- undeleteToolButton
- useIdPrefix
- validateOptions
- validatorAbortHandler
- warning
- warningDialog
- yesDialogButton
- zeroPad