Generating Code for Tenants Table

To generate code for the Tenants table using Sergen in the Default connection, follow these steps:

  • Connection: Default
  • Table Name: dbo.Tenants
  • Module Name: Administration
  • Identifier: Tenant
  • Permission Key: Administration:Tenants
  • What to Generate: All

Next, define a lookup script in the TenantRow class and set the DisplayName property to "Tenants":

namespace MovieTutorial.Administration;

[ConnectionKey("Default"), Module("Administration"), TableName("Tenants")]
[DisplayName("Tenant"), InstanceName("Tenant")]
public sealed class TenantRow : Row<TenantRow.RowFields>, IIdRow, INameRow
    [DisplayName("Tenant Id"), Identity, IdProperty]
    public int? TenantId { get => fields.TenantId[this]; set => fields.TenantId[this] = value; }

Define an Administration:Tenants permission that only the admin user will have (in AdministrationPermissionKeys.cs):

namespace MovieTutorial.Administration;

public class PermissionKeys
    [Description("User, Role Management and Permissions")]
    public const string Security = "Administration:Security";

    [Description("Languages and Translations")]
    public const string Translation = "Administration:Translation";

    [Description("Tenant Management")]
    public const string Tenants = "Administration:Tenants";

Apply this permission to TenantRow:

namespace MovieTutorial.Administration;

[ConnectionKey("Default"), Module("Administration"), TableName("Tenants")]
[DisplayName("Tenant"), InstanceName("Tenant")]
public sealed class TenantRow : Row<TenantRow.RowFields>, IIdRow, INameRow