LabelWidthAttribute.JustThis property

namespace: Serenity.ComponentModel   assemblySerenity.Net.Core

Gets or sets a value indicating whether this attribute shouldn't break effectiveness of another LabelWidth attribute with UntilNext flag. For example, if you set all fields to 100px by adding a [LabelWidth("100px", UntilNext = true)] attribute to the first property of a form, but just want to change one property in the middle to 200px, and if you add [LabelWidth("200px")] to that property, 100px would not apply to following ones. But if you did [LabelWidth("200px", JustThis = true)], 100px will still apply to following ones.

public bool JustThis { get; set; }

Property Value

true if it should break effectiveness of a prior LabelWidth attribute with UntilNext flag, otherwise, false.

See Also